I also suck at Starcraft 2

July 15, 2011 § Leave a comment

So I picked up StarCraft II again the other day as I was bored to death of all of my xbox games. I wouldn’t say I’m regretting the decision but I’m so bad at StarCraft and RTS’s in general that its starting to get me down. I’m playing it on a mac which may not be the best config as the keys are all weird, you might be able to change it but I’m not sure. So my main problem is that I don’t know any of the keystrokes that would make my life much easier, you know like shortcuts. I think this is why I enjoyed Halo Wars because it was simplistic. This is driving me insane. I also don’t think the Terran’s are that good, I’m sure some uber StarCraft player will pull me up on this but I only seem to be able to win with Protoss. So in light of my shoddy abilities I’ve started watching Cynical Brit’s I Suck at StarCraft vlog to see if I can pick up any tips. I can honestly say he’s about as bad as me and I suffer with many of the issues that seem to be standing in his way. So I guess I’m hoping that this will help me improve to a state where I’m at least competitive and don’t roll over like some limbless nercomorph. I’ll let you know how things progress. To give you an idea of where I’m at now…  I CAN’T EVEN BEAT THE AI ON MEDIUM. Laugh all you want but I will get better if it gives me an aneurism, figuratively speaking of course I’ve heard those things are pretty bad.

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