Day One…

June 29, 2011 § Leave a comment

I’ve been mulling it over recently, thinking about whether or not this would be interesting to anyone and decided that I don’t actually care. I’m going to do this whether or not anybody reads it. I’m guessing a few people will, my nearest and dearest (ChoccyR, Hand Springs, splendidsquirel and Dirty Chocobo) to name but a few. Ok the only few, but as far as I’m concerned that’ll do. I read a little bit of what Choc accomplished with his blog so I’ve got a feeling about how these sort of thing play out and I’ve been reading gaming blogs and websites for as long as I can remember so I’d like to think I’m somewhat qualified for this, if not literally then certainly figuratively. So the next thing that I was thinking about was what exactly I was going to put into this. I had a great idea to document my exploits in Gears of War multiplayer as I’d had some run ins with some pretty interesting characters (Marvel and Destiny Warrior) with whom I traded some delightful correspondence. My favourite being ‘I f**ked your mom, im ur dad’ which needless to say was a surprise to me to say the least. These exchanges thankfully are a rarity, but I think perhaps that’s what makes them so delectable when they do rear their ugly little heads, I have to admit that I love them. Antagonising people in multiplayer gaming is like some sort of sweet nectar. It’s like plasmids to the citizens of Rapture. Alas in my haste, and perhaps anger, I deleted said messages so am unable to relay them to you in all their grammatical and profanity strewn glory. So that’s that. I think the best course of action is to wait for Gears of War 3, which I hasten to add looks remarkable. The only problem with that is that with the added and long awaited advantage of dedicated servers would almost definitely remove the occurrence of mind numbingly annoying host issues that occur in Gears 2 and as a result, may put a stop to these fracas’. Let’s hope that’s not the case. I’ll keep you updated as to the goings on of my gaming exploits in the mean time, there’s plenty to keep me going until then, not just games. I happen to have ears as well as fingers and eyes so a little bit of music and film may creep in from time to time. We’ll call it a pop culture blog or something to that effect.


Peace Out

Thrash Hologram

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